Is Your Family TIRED???
Contact me today and let me help your tired family get the sleep they need!
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
Do you feel you need to:
If you have answered YES to any of these questions, I CAN HELP!
Meet Marie-Eve, Pediatric Sleep Consultant

I am a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach®, trained and certified by Kim West, a.k.a. The Sleep Lady. I help tired families with young children get the sleep they need. If your child is age 0-10 and sleep is a concern in your house – I can help. Read more here
Contact me today and let me help your tired family get the sleep they need!

What People Are Saying
"Marie-Eve not only helped our daughter, she helped our marriage. After over two years of being up multiple times a night, rocking for hours, and trying to sneak out of our daughters room only to trigger her cries once again we were really struggling. Parenting is difficult enough on a relationship but lack of sleep for such a long period of time felt like it could break us. Marie-Eve helped us develop a plan and guided us with tips, encouragement and endless support while we carried it out. After a few weeks of effort our daughter was sleeping through the night and able to put herself back to sleep when she woke. Her mood improved dramatically and so did ours. We are genuinely a happier family now that we all sleep and we are deeply grateful for the help Marie-Eve gave us. Thank you."
– Ann Marie, mom to a 25 month old
"We were just sitting here talking about how while this has been difficult, the results have far exceeded what we thought would be possible, and it really hasn’t been as hard as we expected. Just knowing we have someone to help us problem solve has been invaluable. Thank you so, so much.
We want to say again that you have helped us so, so much – this has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams! It is a total game changer to have evenings back and she is so much happier. While we have a few kinks to work out I am so impressed with our progress. In her eighth month, Audrey started sitting up on her own, crawling, pulling up to stand, taking first cruising steps, waving, had a brief GI illness, and cut two teeth. To make the progress we have with all that going on is nothing short of amazing!!"
– Tracy, mom to an 8 month old
I was spending over two hours a night nursing my son to sleep only to have him wake up 6-8 times a night to continue nursing. I had not slept more than 3 hours straight since he was born (and that was a good night). My husband and I were absolutely desperate for help. With Marie-Eve’s guidance and daily support, we were able to teach our son to sleep without nursing. Now, thanks to her, all three of us sleep soundly! Our son has a bedtime routine and wakes once a night to nurse (on my terms). I’m not afraid of bedtime anymore, and I have several hours a night alone with my husband. We could not have completed sleep training without Marie-Eve’s gentle encouragement and unwaivering support. She is both knowledgable and intuitive. Working with her was one of the best investments we’ve ever made, and we cannot thank her enough for what she has done for our family!
– Noelle, mom of an 8 month old boy
We have officially hit the point where I want to say his sleep is a TOTAL success!! He goes to bed like a champ! Stays asleep except for a single feeding and the three of us wake up feeling totally rested!!! You are a magic maker!! This sleep solution is incredible and I could never ever thank you enough!! I know he is still new to it and we might have a few hiccups along the way but I think were in great shape thanks to you!!!
Alece, mom to a 6 month old boy
Our son has now "graduated!" Nothing was working before! I have hope I can be a normal person again!!!
Trina, mom to a 11 month old boy
She slept straight through until 6am! Amazing! Thanks for your assistance - this has been great. It's nice to be going into this first week of work knowing we have a solid foundation for her sleep and an approach for when it gets off track.
Denise, mom to a 10 month old girl