Using Dreamfeeds for More Sleep

A dreamfeed is one of my favorite tools for nighttime. If you are offering night feedings, a dream feed may help you get more sleep at night. What is a dreamfeed? A dream feed is when you feed your kiddo while they’re asleep. While your baby is completely asleep, you go in, pick her up…

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3 Parts to a Short & Sweet Bedtime Routine

Having a relaxing bedtime routine is key for your child’s sleep. Creating the right bedtime routine is one of the first things I focus on with my clients. Research shows that kiddos who have a consistent bedtime routine fall asleep faster, have less night wakings and sleep better overall. Sounds good, right?! So let’s talk…

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Bedtime Routine – Answering Your Questions

Today I answer common questions about the bedtime routine. If you have not read 3 Parts to a Short & Sweet Bedtime Routine, make sure to read that first.  Here are some additional tips about how to make your routine woks for your child. At what time do we start the do routine? We talked…

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Sleeping While Traveling

Plan ahead Discuss and decide ahead of time where everyone will sleep so that bring what you need and/or the host can prepare the rooms accordingly (bed, crib, pack and play, making the room dark, etc.). If your child will sleep in a pack and play during your trip, put it up at home before…

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